• Категории
  • Stereo test LANG I - R edycja 2021 , pediatryczny , 5400- R

Код товара : 54000-R

Test Lang I , stereo test, pediatryczny , od 12 m-cy, bez okularów

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The latest LANG I - R test, 2021 edition. The classic Lang Stereo I test, which has been on the market for over 40 years, has been replaced by a revised model (our stock code: #54000-R) with refined test data developed using the latest printing techniques. LANG-STEREOTESTY® are orthoptic products for binocular diagnostics and screening of stereoscopic vision disorders in adults and children.

LANG-STEREOTESTY® I-R  and II-R are used for rapid screening of stereoscopic vision in all age groups from 6 months of age

The Stereo Lang test was created to facilitate the testing of spatial vision. It is based on two basic principles: random point stereopsis and micro-cylindrical printing. For children from 6 months, for use without glasses.
Set with case.
Three objects with different disparities:

cat /1200",

star / 600",

car / 400"
Reading distance: 30 - 40 cm (10 - 15 Inches)

Przykładowe badanie  :    


Сведения о производителе

Obere Heslibach-Str. 8
CH-8700 Kuesnacht

+41 44 910 61 39

Ответственное лицо

Annemarie Lang-Lieder
Murstrasse , 48
6063 Rum


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