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  • Soczewka Super Quad 160 (VSQUAD160)

The Symbol : VSQUAD160

Experience wide field, distortion-free visualization of the retina from the nerve head and macula, up to the ora serrata, designed for detection and treatment of retinal abnormalities like peripheral retinal tears, peripheral retinal detachments, giant retinal tears etc

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Pełna oferta Volk Optical USA


Experience wide field, distortion-free visualization of the retina from the nerve head and macula, up to the ora serrata, designed for detection and treatment of retinal abnormalities like peripheral retinal tears, peripheral retinal detachments, giant retinal tears etc. The 30 mm lens surface offers a large, clear image of the retina for accurate and easy placement of the laser spot. The contact surface is designed carefully to provide optimum stability on the patient’s cornea while ensuring patient comfort.

  • Wide-field distortion free viewing
  • Ideal for detecting and treating mid to far-peripheral retinal abnormalities
  • Large lens surface area providing a large working area
  • Available in: Flanged contact, no Flange contact design

 Field of View
Image Magnification Laser Spot Magnification
160°/165° 0.50x 2.0x

Safety Information


Do not use a microfiber cloth, as over time these tend to collect dirt and dust which can damage the anti reflective coating on the lens.

Never use a device that shows any sign(s) of damage.

Failure to follow the point-of-use processing steps could adversely affect further decontamination steps.

Any serious incident that has occurred in relation to the device should be reported to the manufacturer and the competent authority of the member state in which the user and/or patient is established.

A thorough, manual cleaning process is recommended. Corrosive cleaning agents (i.e. acids, alkalines, etc) are not recommended. Detergent cleaning agents with neutral ph are recommended.

Do not use detergents that contain any type of emollients.

Wiping the lens with a microfiber cloth will cause lens damage. Be sure to use only a soft, lint-free
cotton cloth.

Extended exposure and/or exposure to higher concentrations of sodium hypochlorite will result in accelerated degradation of the product.

Colored rings may discolor when exposed to Sodium Hypochlorite or Glutaraldehyde. To avoid further degradation please follow only the disinfection procedures indicated for these products in instruction. This color change is purely cosmetic and will not affect the function of the lens.

Do not brush lens portion to avoid scratching. Use a soft, cotton cloth.

Do not use the lens when the contacting surface(s) show(s) any signs of damage.

Do not attempt to use the lens unless an adequate type and amount of coupling fluid is present between the cornea and the contacting lens surface.

To avoid surface damage to contact lenses, NEVER clean the contact elements with alcohol, peroxide or acetone.

To avoid product damage, never autoclave or boil lenses or adapters.

For use by trained personnel only.

Manufacturer details

Volk Optical INC.
7893 Enterprise Dr, Mentor
OH 44060 Mentor,
United States

+1 440-942-6161

Responsible person

Rudolf Riester GmbH
Bruckstrasse, 31
72417 Jungingen


The Signature Of The
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