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Код товара : 254700


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Zamówienie telefoniczne: 22 651 82 85

This game is used to assess the visual perception of line orientation. Tests two components:

  • Information for the hand movements in the parietal lobe and
  • Picture perception in the inferior temporal lobe.

To observe the first function, the child is asked to drop a card through the slot of the LEA MAILBOX GAME®. The child should demonstrate the perception of the orientation of the slot by turning the card to the correct position before moving it half the distance to the slot (dorsal stream function). A ventral stream function can be observed through interactive play using the LEA MAILBOX GAME®. If a child cannot visually perceive the orientation of lines, drawing them may be difficult, and drawing angles will make no sense. Instructions are included.

254700 Product Video Link

Click here for the 254700 Guide.

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