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  • Keeler Pocket skiaskop bateryjny , główka oftalmoskop 2,8 V po ekspozycji

Код товара : 1702-P-1037

Keeler Pocket Diagnostic Set 2.8v 1702-P-1037 - after exposure

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Keeler Pocket Diagnostic Set 2.8v 1702-P-1037 - after exposure

Pocket Diagnostic Set Otoscope ( with bulb) + oflamoscope ( no bulb)

1702-P-1037 Keeler Pocket 2.8v Diagnostic Set with AA Battery Handle

This Keeler Pocket Set is ideal for domiciliary use

  • The Closed head design is particularly suited to pneumatic testing
  • 2.5x magnifying lens is removable to allow the introduction of small instruments
  • Supplied with disposable specula
  • Strong metal pocket clip for security
  • Full diagnostic capability in a pocket sized instrument
  • Ideal for domiciliary or ward use or as a ‘second’ instrument
  • Security assured from the strong metal pocket clip
  • A total of 6 diagnostic beams

Pocket instruments are powered by standard AA batteries .

Keeler Code: 1702-P-1037

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