• Категории
  • Stereo test LANG II - R edycja 2021 , pediatryczny , 54001- R

Код товара : 54001-R

Test Lang I , stereo test, pediatryczny , od 12 m-cy, bez okularów

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Высылка в течение 48 часов
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LANG-Stereotest® II-R

The Lang-Stereotest® II-R is a revised version of the Lang-Stereotest® II. This revised version has improved optical and print quality over the earlier version and has no monocular clues when used correctly. Also new is a brief instruction in English on the back of the test card, with schematic illustration for correct use, mirror-image arrangement of stereo objects and typical pattern of eye movements in stereopositive subjects.

3D Objects and Disparities of Lang-Stereotest® II-R

  • ELEPHANT 600’’
  • TRUCK 400’’
  • MOON 200’’
  • STAR 200’’ (2D, always visible)
  • Reading distance: 30 - 40 cm (10 - 15 Inches)

Przykładowe badanie  :    


Сведения о производителе

Obere Heslibach-Str. 8
CH-8700 Kuesnacht

+41 44 910 61 39

Ответственное лицо

Annemarie Lang-Lieder
Murstrasse , 48
6063 Rum


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